- n.蹄聲
- The walk is a four-beat gait in which each hoofbeat is heard separately.
慢步是一種四拍的步法,每一個蹄音聽起來都是分開的。 - This means the frequency that him user makes, than the new student that is like transcribe of a pair of couples hoofbeat, will not share.
這就象征著用戶本身建造的音頻,比如一對佳耦錄制的新生兒的蹄聲,將無法共享。 - hoofbeat; clatter of a horse's hoofs; clip-clop
馬蹄聲 - Clip clop clip clop hoofbeat, suddenly far suddenly near;
噠噠的馬蹄聲,忽遠忽近; - The group will present folk dances such as the Pastoral Landscape, Mongolian Women and Ancient Dance;traditional folk music like the 4-stringed instrument solo, Hoofbeat;