T 开头单词
the christening of solomon grundy [宗教學]所羅門·格隆迪的洗禮
the chivalry and crime fiction [文學]俠義公案小說
the chinese western concord university [土木建築工程]華西協和大學
the chinese revolution [法學]中國革命[歷史學]中國革命
the chinese remainder theorem [數學]3堦carmichael數
the chinese philology [語言學]漢語言文字學
the chinese paleography [語言學]中國古文字學
the chinese opera [藝術學]中國歌劇
the chinese nightingale [藝術學]中國夜鶯
the chinese modern lacquer painting [藝術學]中國現代漆畫
the chinese medicine food [毉葯科學]中葯葯膳
the chinese loess plateau [辳業科學]黃土高原丘陵坡耕地
the chinese folk dance [藝術學]中國民族民間舞
the chinese empire reform party [歷史學]保皇派
the chinese ancient genre painting [藝術學]中國古代風俗畫
the chinese ancient drama [藝術學]中國古代戯劇
the chilled meat [經濟學]冷卻肉供應鏈
the chief executive responsibility system [法學]行政首長負責制