- "For the first time, we have unambiguously detected a planet that is 'rocky' in the same sense as our own Earth,” said Malcolm Fridlund, ESA COROT project scientist.
最开始我们希望做做光机械振子系 统中的一些问题,比如冷却振子到量子区域,制备振子的一些非经典态等等。这也是目前实验最关注的问题。 - C. V. M. Fridlund Astrophysics Division, Space Science Department, European Space Agency, ESTEC,
首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容 - “We now have to understand this object further to put it into context, and continue our search for smaller, more Earth-like objects with COROT," Fridlund said.
下一步在这个方向上做什么,我并没有清晰的目标。我现在已经把注意力转到量子点系统中了。希望能够与系里的实验组合作,提出一些能够减小量子点退相干的新方案。 返回 Fridlund