imperial and royal majesty
- In the evening, at a quarter to eight o'clock, Her Majesty entertained her Imperial, Royal, and other guests to a number of about 150 at a grand banquet in St. George's Hall.
晚上七点四十五分,女王陛下在圣乔治堂的大宴会厅招待了来自俄国皇室、英国皇室和其他地方的大约150名贵宾。 - Early in the morning His Imperial Majesty walked on the terrace, accompanied by some of the Royal and Imperial families, and subsequently the Czar inspected St. George's Chapel.
皇帝陛下在英国和俄国的一些皇室成员陪伴下,一清早在石阶上散步。 然后沙皇参观了圣乔治教堂。