T 开头单词
the thinking process [机械工程]思维过程
the thing itself [哲学]物自体
the thing is 问题是;最重要的是
the thing in itself [哲学]自在之物
the thick of plate [物理学]板厚
the thermosphere (大气的)热层。
the theory of sorcery age [哲学]巫术时代论
the theory of nature law [法学]自然法理论
the theoretical foundation [法学]学理分析
the theatre of the absurd 荒诞派戏剧
the textual research [历史学]考異
the textual intention [文学]“文本意图”
the textual function [语言学]语篇功能
the textual criticism method [文学]考辨方法